aXtion Pro Healthcare Grade Antimicrobial Case for Surface Pro
Posted by Debra Vogel on Mar 20th 2020
Tablet Case Made for the Microsoft Surface Pro 7 / 6 / 5 / 4Protecting Tablet and Patients AlikeHaving a protective case
for your Microsoft Surface Pro tablet should only be the first step to
deploying tablets into healthcare such as hospitals and clinics so you can
protect your hardware investment. The next question and the more
important question should be, "
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aXtion Pro and Service Techs out in the field
Posted by Poya Moradi on Oct 15th 2019
aXtion in actionDuring
this age of technology, we find it hard to escape our reliance on our
smartphones and tablets. Like so many field people in the workforce from surveyors, construction
professionals, EMT agents, first responders, and even Uber or
delivery drivers, their day and their job almost completely revolve around the
use of their mobile devices such as a tablet
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Silicon vs. Silicone
Posted by Poya Moradi on Sep 9th 2019
confused with silicone, silicon is the 14th element in the periodic table.
Silicon is a metalloid, meaning that it has properties of both metals and
nonmetals. Silicone, on the other hand, is a man-made synthetic polymer that is
commonly known to be a flexible and rubberlike plastic. Silicone is commonly
found in the medical field in devices such as implants, cath
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